Saturday, October 28, 2006: my life this week
phew, its been a really hectic week and there was so much to do and so much things to be at! okay, i'll run through the list really quickly!
monday, 23rd october (also known as my brother's birthday)
well, the yr 11s threw us a customary yr 12 farewell formal dinner, and it was AWESOME. oh my mudder, you should see the decoration and everything! they turned the rec' room into a dreamy heaven, and then we had a really good dinner. we got to dress up really pretty once again, and well.. lets just say we took a really long time after school to get ready for the dinner which starts at 6.30pm and went on till like about 9 so i didnt get any studying done besides the ones that i did in school. heh. *apologetic grin* the dinner was really cool though. (: they made such a pretty slide show for us, our whole journey from when they were yr 6 to this year. (: its been really cool alright. and they gave every yr 12 an award, lol, every yr 12 was like a goddess, and they came up with really pretty funny ones. HAHA, mine was like goddess of sleeping and the reason why? "i dont know how this yr 12 boarder does it but, she sets her alarm really loud, and when it goes off she wakes EVERYONE in the boarding house except HERSELF." lol.. hello, abit too exaggerated right. hahaha, i so do not wake up everyone else in the boarding house! :/ how embarrassing.
tuesday, 24th october
we had the last boarder chapel service.. chapel service isnt really like chapel chapel.. its really different to the mg chapel.. well in chapel that day we had like slideshows, poems, stories of boarding and stuff. it was quite cool and some yr 12ves got really emotional.. and it just reminded me again of last year at bacculaureate svc ): when we saw the mg vid that the teachers made for us, kinda like that scene. heh. was really sad. didnt take any photos cos i forgot to put my sd card into the camera.. -.-"
wednesday, 25th october
again another customary thing in the boarding house - we went out for dinner with mrs freitag (she's the BH mistress) and went to king's park! :D it was really cool. before we left for dinner we had this like mini farewell assembly thingy in the rec room.. we got flowers and we reminisced about the funny incidents in the boarding house. LOL! there were really funny stories that were accumulated over the years, especially for those who stayed in the BH since yr 6.. pooey! thats like.. SIX whole years! BH is like their LIFE man! it must be so sad for them to leave (despite all the complaints about being a boarder. :P) anyway. so yeah, the yr 12s shared about the funny moments, and then we went to this thai place for dinner. PHOA. yummm. hahaha, it was really goood... man i ate so much! (not to mention we had like an english party earlier in the day, PLUS we got cake in calc.. arghhh!. i can just feel the calories.. regretttt. -.-""""")
so anyway, after dinner we had ICE CREAM (yes i know. how much do i eat man! i prob like accumulated 5000 calories that day just eating so much junk! :/ i had a giant sandwich. was too irresistable, so i had to. :P after that we went to kings park. hoooboy. you should see king's park at night. so pretty! its already so pretty in the day. and the great thing is, it's on a hill overlooking the city, so at night, when all the lights are on, the scenery is soooo pretty. and the wind caressing your face... no wonder so many couples flock there like in the middle of the night. like seriously. we saw random couples sitting at like hidden, dark corners, and you dont really realise until you take a closer look.. oh my mudder, what on earth are they DOING!?! (man, i tell you, listening to the boarders' talk you start to think dirty tooo.. :S)
when we got back to the BH.. sadly we couldnt have muck up night (its like a crazy night where we wake them up in the middle of the night and torture the kids in the BH.. i've heard such horrible stories like making them run around in their pjs when the sprinklers are on, banging on their doors while they sleep, pour maple syrup on their beds, steal their shoes.. and alot more worse stuff) sadly we couldnt have muck up night cos of the possibility of parents complaining and people getting hurt, so we had to resort to other nicer means. blah, i was so looking forward to it. but oh well. (: we should be nice people right. hahha. anyway. so we just rang the chapel bell (and it is VERY loud) like a million and one times until like everyone else in the BH was scared that something would actually happen. like seriously, you could see the lights turned on in the rooms.. anyway, so we had a sleepover thing instead in the rec room.. watch dvds till like 4 am (only 2 dvds actually)- "step up" and "the devil wears prada" but i kinda slept halfway thru DWP cos i've already watched it on the plane.. and i was really tired anyway. so yeah.
thursday, 26th october
it was planned that the yr12s go to HJs (hungry jacks - kinda like burger king in sg) in the morning for a y12 boarders brekkie, but no one wanted to go after like sleeping for 3 hours during the sleepover.. so like 7 out of 30+ of us piled into the bus to go to HJs to take away some breakfast, so that we could go back and have our BH breakfast picnic.. (yes, sadly we had a pinic INSTEAD of muck up night.)
WE MADE ICE CREAM IN CHEM! THAT WAS SO COOLLLLL! :D :D :D I love liquid nitrogen. :D
then came valedictory.. HOOOBOY. came and went so quickly. ):
we had the chapel svc, and we got inducted into the old girls' assoc. which is pretty cool, cos its free, i think. to be in the mg alumni you have to pay $70 and thats alot of money in kristi terms. hahaha. oh well. (: anyway, valedictory. what can i say? we've practiced so much walking into and out of the PAC that we got SO sick of it and we knew the whole routine inside out. we spent every lunch period since last fri practicing for the valedictory chapel svc, singing the song "together we are one", holding candles, sitting up straight, being prim and proper with our hair, getting the sequences and order of events right, etc. it was ALOT of work and lunch hours okay. and we had like a whole run through in the last 2 periods of this day. super big loss, it was private study and religion. thats alot of study time mann. but anyway, so we sat on our seats, straight and tall, running through the whole svc.. feeling really hot cos the spotlight was on us.. feeling really tired from last night. not very excellent i must say.
after school the yr 12 boarders blew balloons up - we're giving mr chidgey (our year coordinator, kinda like year teacher i/c) a surprise! :D we're filling up his office with balloons right to the top! and we blew and blew. my mouth was and is still SORE okay. i think my glands are inflammed. it was really gross and my mouth felt all rubbery. and actually the only thing i really wanted to do was get some sleep before the valedictory svc&dinner came. no time anyways, so after blowing up like more than a 1000 balloons (seriously, not kidding) among like around 15 of us (yeah, i dont know what happened to the other half of our year grp in the BH) it was time to get ready for valedictory. anyway, so valedictory was really cool. (: and sad really. if you think about it. all these girls have been together for like a really long time, no more school forever. uni.. all of us taking different paths. ): we wont see each other anymore, no more BH to complain about, no more instant clothes when you need it and dont have it in your own wardrobe, sisters that make you want to laugh, cry and be mad at, but after a few seconds you cant help but love them for their wackiness. its been a really awesome year with these girls in the BH and yeah. (: its cool. a really cool experience that literally only comes once. so far.) so yeah. dinner. it was so prettily decorated! :D made me feel like i was in Harry Potter.. we sat at like LONG tables in our HOUSES! was so cool okay! and like the atmosphere was so mystical and everything.. was pretty cool. only no see-the-sky ceiling. well i was seated at the end beside ms petrie (she's my link teacher. and yes, the seats are assigned, so i cant just change even if i want to) and casey magee's mom, facing mr starcevich. not exactly very fun. (i mean ONLY refering to mr starcevich, not the other two, they were infact quite interesting) ahahhaa, andrea's favourite teacher hey!! but yeah. (: the dinner was really good fun and they showed yet another slide show which brought about another bout of tears and awwwws.. (: it was really quite sweet!
Friday, 27th October aka LAST DAY OF SCHOOL EVER!
Leavers assembly was pretty cool. (: we dressed up In our costumes (I was supposed to be wendy, so I just wore tashy's bathrobe. Haha. Dunno why but yeah. I should get the prize for least effort put in.) and we danced
1/ era dance. we were all grouped into eras and each era had a dance. pretty cool. (:
2/ ball dance – the mass dance we danced at the ball
Was fun. (:
Then was the formal assembly where we had the change over of leadership roles to the year 11s. haha, so proud of the year 11s, although I don't really know them at all except for a few, but seeing their happy faces and the loud cheers from their year group, I feel that they will do their job well and lead the school into yet another successful year.
Man. I think I will really miss st marys. Seeing people in my year group tearing made me feel all the more sad that I didn't get to know them any better, otherwise I probably would have felt some kind of rush of emotion that I finally am leaving the school for a different life, and I will never get to hang out with this awesome bunch of people again. You know, now I kinda wish I had another year to spend there, although I don't really know if life would be the same as if I were a yr 11 kid now gg into yr 12. I wish I came here last year now, but then again, looking back, I wouldn’t have met jeannie, and then I wouldn't have met subi church and I certainly most wouldn’t have met OCF. So, I really thank God for His wonderful plan in my life, albeit a short time in st marys, but a year worth spent. (: kinda feel bad for complaining in the first half of the year now. I wasted half a year complaining so much that I failed to see the beauty of God’s hand in my life. Yeah. So its pretty awesome now that I've graduated, and I look forward to uni! I guess a new part of my life is just beginning; God's opening new doors for me, and I can proudly say that, yes, God has played a crucial role in the planning of my life.
ps, i'm too tired to wait for the pictures to slowly load up. hehhheh, so i'll put them up tmr or something. yupp. got discipleship lesson tmr..and library study again. heh. so looking forward to studying. :S okayokay, goodnight.
a shout of praise.
1:31 AM
Saturday, October 21, 2006: solitude
at the cambridge library now, studied for the past like 1 1/2 hours and waiting for the bus and jeannie to end ballet.
well, life's back to normal again; school and routined life. okay, so it might sounds boring, but i think its pretty good to have some kind of structure in my life. and i think i really need it. exams.. results werent too good. at least not as well as i want it to be. but there were some pretty good surprises, and i really thank God for his grace and mercy, at least i did well in some subjects. at least i reached my target average. at least with this result i can get into a good course in uni. yeah, God has blessed me so much, and yet i feel so resentful and have so much to complain about. i should really start to count my blessings.
next week's going to be really hectic.
monday - the yr 11s in the boarding house are throwing us a formal dinner and they want us to wear our ball gowns which mine currently is in singapore, so i have to resort to borrowing.
tues - last chapel service for yr 12 boarders
wed - dinner with mrs F, muck-up night. or at least it was supposed to be. muck up night is the night where yr 12 boarders torture the rest of the boarders, like eg, make them wake up in the middle of the night and stand in the cold in their bathers and sing "advance australia fair", or perhaps sneak into their rooms in the middle of the night and put colgate on their faces. haha, but they're abolishing muck up night so we cant do it anymore. and trust me, the yr 12 boarders are FURIOUS.
thurs - yr 12 lunch with mrs T, valedictory dinner and my parents arent coming to it. blah, i think i'm the only one without parents. haha. oh well what to do. (: its okay lah.
fri - leaver's assembly, last day of school before we break for study leave. AHH. too fast, no time to STUDY this week!
man, can you imagine how fast a week passes here! so many things to do!! and in no time i'll be HOME again. wahhh. cant imagine. and then byebye OCF for like another 2 months before i go back again in jan. ): oh well. at least there's camp :D and then i'm going to find a job with jeannie. TEEHEE
anyway, the weather is getting hot!! time for the BEACH! okay no, i dont have time. i have 4 days though! after exams. :D i can go then. and it'll be really hot then! ooh, i hate summer though. ): flies are appearing everywhere, and its gross. hmm, dunno which is worse, flies or haze. hahaha, i think equally bad lah. but at least flies arent everywhere YET. teehee.
hmm. anyway, bus coming soon (:
pray i dont get fat next week!
a shout of praise.
2:59 PM
Monday, October 16, 2006: overwhelmed
@ the pokpokkeh expert's house right now, and we're going to cook pokpokkeh rice for dinner before gg back to the BH.
i feel like i've missed so much here! oh well, now that i've got 5 more years here i can slowly take my time to get to know more people. (:
maybe the reason why i like perth so much is because its a different crowd here, and i can start my life over again, on the right foot this time. and i hope i have, because there are too many knots in my life back home to untangle, and perhaps its better left this way, untouched, buried, because if dug out, it might get a whole lot worse than it is already.
the other day i saw this group of primary school girls on the bus, and 2 of them were sitting in front of me and i overheard their conversation. as i get to understand them more just from the way they behave and what they talked about, i realise that girl A was so restless that she never really took in a word that girl B was saying. i was disgusted with girl A and i felt that girl B was really being too nice to girl A already. whats more, girl A kept diverting the focus of their conversation to herself. you know, after that episode, i realised that i was pretty much like girl A, just a taller, older version. there are many people out there whom i've talked to, that i've never really paid attention to, cos i was always distracted or didnt feel like it, and that i'm always interested in myself and my interests only. i hardly try to make more meaningful connections with others.
maybe i've disappointed too many people. heh, come to think about it, its become such a vicious routine. my pride has made me too self centred, selfish and self-satisfying, that i've become numb toward my disgust of this matter.
And to all of the people with burdens and pains Keeping you back from your life You believe that there's nothing and there is no one Who can make it right There is hope for the helpless Rest for the weary Love for the broken heartThere is grace and forgiveness Mercy and healing He'll meet you wherever you are Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus For the ones who can't break the addictions and chains You try to give up but you come back again Just remember that you're not alone in your shame And your suffering When your lonely And it feels like the whole world is falling on you You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus Cry to Jesus cry out to Jesus - third day
a shout of praise.
4:47 PM
Sunday, October 15, 2006: term IV
mannn, the days pass too quickly. haha, its time for school again! oh man, its gonna be so exciting this term, especially second week of school, cos we have leaver's assembly, and valedictory, and boarder's leaver's dinner and more more cool stuff ): oh man, i cant believe i'm leaving st marys already! just a month more. i mean, i'm glad that school's over for good, but you know, i've grown rather attached to it and especially my friendship group (: dee, kita, esh, andrea, nat, april, xiao, lisa, shuyi, manda etc, whoooo. ): class will never be the same again! i mean, dee's going off the sydney, and kita might go to melb.. BLAH! my two awesome applic buddies! WHO WILL I TALK TO IN CLASS!?!? ): oh well, at least school's starting again. OCF too! (: hip hurray
hmm, anyway, quick flashback.
sat was acjc open house, wasted a whole day there, then bummed around at quek's house with bang, while waiting for 6pm to come so we could have dinner with the rest at holland v. TEEHEE, there were like 5 girls and 5 guys, just nice. haha, we played twister (lol, i bet if there was a prize for the best pretzel, quek will win it lah) and ended up in HEAPS of really really
sick positions. (HAHA, you really dont want to know. hhahah) we also played charades, LOL, it was damn funny, cos the guys could NEVER guess what they were acting out. LOL, you should have seen mah (yes, that's his name. mah), he just stood there scratching his head for the whole minute almost every one of his rounds, LOL, it was hilarious! we beat them 16-9. HAHA. boys suck. (;
quoting bang (yes thats a name too.) "i really dont know what goes through the girls minds man.."
well, i think there was a common consensus among the girls that we really dont know what goes through the GUYS minds either. LOL! when bang had to act out "picnic", he just drew a square around him. WAHLAO, liddat also can MEH. and trust me, this is MILD, there were worst ones than this, i just dont know how to describe with out acting out their actions. heehee.
had church, then camp comm meeting (: yay, cant wait for camp! :D its gonna be really really fun! very excited. hahah. hmm. was missions sunday today, and i was reminded of the cambodia mission trip that i went for like a century ago, and i remember the happy faces of the kids in cambodia, how its so simple for us to just bring a smile to their faces. its really amazing how easily satisfied they are that you realise that hey, i've been asking for too much. it also feels really really good to be serving God too, and i feel that missions is a field that i have a passion for, and perhaps i should consider going for missions again. dunno, the experience is pretty humbling.
then came 8 outing. oh GOSH, MINTY IS SICK. she wonders how people play twister naked. strip twister she said. hahhaha. wow, its so fast how everyone's changes so much. havent seen the 8 in like what, 2 months? and there's so much gossip already! hahaha, its funny. (: didnt get to see jiaen and mey this round. ): oh well.
a shout of praise.
9:44 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006: ramblings
as i walked up the hill to mg today, i felt this wave of nostalgia. i remember the countless number of times i've walked up this hill, and as of last year, ran (i think i ran up like 99% of last year lah!). 8 and a 1/2 years of walking up to school, this feeling can never be replaced, its one of the most memorable experiences of my 10 years in mg. hooboy; its not easy to forget.
its been already a year since we've had our bacculaureate sevice, the sec 4s just had their's today. must have been really sad for them, i know i cried buckets. (okay i'm exxagerating, but you get the idea..) after 10 whole years in mg, its kinda hard to believe that you're done with being in mg for the rest of our lives. but nevertheless, i'm still and mg girl and will always be one (: i've got the mgspirit man! (:
and now, i cant believe i'm going in to uni next year! so fast.. ): and my mom just said i can only come back once a year! can you believe that! i cant. oh well, maybe i can go to melbourne for holidays or something. she says to get a winter job. teehee, i wanna work at subway! that would be so funnnn (: i love subway. and nic says in nz you get to have subways cheaper or something. YAY. (: that would settle my lunch. hahahha.
went swimming again today with minfeng and claire and i feel uber lipid-ish, and i can feel my fats wobble! EWWWW. and this is terrible. DEE, we need to go excercise. FAST. hmm, then after swims we showered and went for dinner at adam road (: yummy, had nasi briyani. havent had that in a long time! (sounds GOOD eh? :P) hmmm, had cell, and went to caltex as usual. LOL. funny thing happened.
dean: (used my water bottle to whack james)
"eh! you hit me in the right *down there*"kristi rolls eyes and takes a BIG gulp of water
"you know *mumble mumble mumble* calls it paddle pop"kristi spits water out of her mouth and laughs uncontrollably. it so happens that some water landed on james' and dean's foots.
james and dean goes: "
"my foot's all sticky because of you lah!"since when is saliva sticky after drinking water! only concentrated saliva is sticky! james must have failed chem. >.< ah crap, they deserved it anyway. blah, who asked them to talk about such sick jokes.
i cant wait till CAMP! so excited! :)
a shout of praise.
1:49 AM
Thursday, October 12, 2006: 4 days left
hmm, had a pretty great time today with minfeng. we cycled and swam heaps, but i think we piled in the calories after all that wonderful exercise so i think it was pretty much for naught. oh well, at least we tried to be sporty. we had dinner at the empress road market and went to claire's house to slack around, watch Honey, and then minf's mom sent me home. minf's coming over to my house tmr and we're going running, then claire's gonna join us for swimming, and we'll go for cell after.
well, its 4 more days till i leave sg and 5 more till i get back my results for mocks. am i afraid? yes, because i dont know whether i should say i put in every effort to do well for my mocks and i am scared that i wont do well. i guess its pretty much the same feeling you get when you all recieve your promo results. blah, i shouldnt be afraid, because no matter how it turns out, i believe that God wouldnt let me down, His plan is more intricate than mine is.
i think i've got very confused feelings. every trip i make back home, i feel more and more attached to it, and i find myself dreading to leave. perhaps its the thought that after so much time spent reconnecting with friends, i really cant bear the thought of having to start all over again once i come back. and then, when i leave perth, i feel even sadder, more and more so with recent trips, also because of my friends over there and that i dont get to spend more time with them either, and every time i hear of the fun that they're having, i feel this pang, of jealousy maybe? that maybe if i didnt come home for the holidays, i would be out there having some fun too. but yet, when i am in perth, i keep thinking of the fun they must be having at home, and how i am missing it all. i think i am pretty selfish, dont you think too? i want the best of both worlds, and i get all moody when i dont get my way. i complain, i get angry and jealous, all because i think i'm getting the worst lot. why dont i ever enjoy whats in front of me, why cant i just be happy with what i have and stop feeling dejected and left out? when will i feel that what i've got is more than enough for me, and i should be happy with what i have?
so many questions, so little answers. i think its time to start appreciating what i have around me, and learn to cherish instead of procrastinating.
and now oh Lord i see my wrong
heal my heart and show Yourself strong
be magnified, oh Lord be magnified.
a shout of praise.
11:55 PM
what is it with fermented barley water!?
a shout of praise.
11:10 PM

Your word is a lamp unto my feet
and a light unto my path
i should stop focussing on my problems
and try to solve them instead.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
a shout of praise.
1:37 AM
dont really feel like blogging today, maybe cos i dont have nice photos like before to describe the day.. but anyways, here's a quick summary..
me and kaye and daniel went out for lunch today at sakae at funan was a good time of chatting! and then chang joined us for swensens. ): how awfully sinful! i'm getting fat!
then went out again with the study group today! (: watched WTC (which was awfully sad ): ) and teased sam a little more about clem, but oh well, just for your information,
sam isnt. (x
anyway, we had heaps of fun! haha, and then dean had friends join us (they were really weird, cos they dont talk, or maybe its just we dont talk to them :S) and then i met up with zhen and cyn and had dinner with them.
you know sometimes i wonder whether i really am a good friend or not. i think next time i should just keep my mouth shut and stop thinking of myself all the time.
a shout of praise.
1:17 AM
Wednesday, October 11, 2006: 活该 (huo gai, you deserve it)

i've got sore throat because i ate a bar of chocolate. ):
and i'm addicted to grey's anatomy
and i've been visiting
clubSNAPall because of some irritating people
and now i'm hooked on tv programmes and photographs.
i should never listen to my friends again. ):
a shout of praise.
2:48 AM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006: an australian day in the sunny island

OH MY SKY, laura's brother is so cute!! i want to marry him.. (:
haaha, jokes. (: laura's my friend from school in perth and she's in year ten this year. her dad's some expat in sg, and she's here in sg for the HOLS! (: we went out today.. and we walked so much of orchard and did practically nothing. (: then we decided to go back to her house to slack instead. and we played playstation!! LOL, i sucked at it. i kept dying! but it was a cool day out with her (:
a shout of praise.
9:16 PM
Monday, October 9, 2006: time OUT!

was sorting out photos when i came across the "dean's house" folder.. wooot. o levels was just last year and our study group has COME A LONG WAY, since last year..

my gosh, a YEAR has passed! these were taken on the way to cell, i still remember.. we were going to clem's shop at holland v to eat dinner after dying my hair and bleaching james' and dean's hair in the bathtub. (: ah the sweet old days..
ah i miss those post-major-exam times.. another biggie's coming up! blah. not looking forward to it. ):
"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed" 2 cor 4:8-9
i will fight the good fight, i will finish the good race.. (:
a shout of praise.
3:17 AM
Sunday, October 8, 2006: RAWRRRR.

i just had a realisation.
dadadadummmmm. *evil music*
oh i will cry i tell you.
oh well, (: all the best to dick and ping for exams tmr.
hahaha, at least my exams
werent in the hols :P
not by might, not by power but by the spirit of God
p.s. ooh yes to kaye, all the best for your results too. i hope you get promoted :D
a shout of praise.
11:28 PM
You are my worldYou are my God
and i lay down my life for You
You are my Lord
the One i love
no one could ever take Your place
You are my world - Hillsong
you are my world
you are my child
and I lay down my life for you
you are my girl
you're the one I love
no one could ever take My place
kristi, I love you.
a shout of praise.
9:01 PM
an insomniac's primary school best friend
blah. i cant sleep. and i have to be awake in 6 hours for church. this is BAD.
oh well. i will blog myself to sleep then.

me and nic in aunty angie's car, we swapped sunnies!
nicole.. well, she's still the same after all these years. did i ever mention that she was my primary school best friend? the amazing thing was, she was in my class straight through p1 to p4 and then p6 and sec1.. it's like WOAH. we've been through school together like forever! and her mum and my dad used to be collegues, that's how we first got to know each other. i remember that she used to be at namly ave, cos her maid brought me once to her house after school. and i remember that i got locked in the balcony (i forgot how, but i think i went into the balcony illegally) so i had to jump off the roof onto the grass. and i thought i fractured my spine. (thank goodness i didnt). and i still remember that her maid didnt like me, maybe cos i was too playful, or maybe cos i was a fussy eater (yeah, i'm not anymore i know. teehee). OH. there was once she cooked us lunch and there was like this dish that was meat on beancurd and at that time i HATED beancurd, so i refused to eat that dish. and she said to just take the meat. okay so not that funny but i was so stubborn! :\
hmm. what else. ooh. nic's hamsters! after nic moved to maplewoods we spent like virtually every afternoon over at each other's houses or the pool. and i remember once her hamster gave birth to so many little hamsters.. (: they were so cute!! those tiny pink little bodies.. (: but there was once she forgot to seperate the mother hamster from the babies and she ended up eating some. carnivore! :\ scary.
hmm. then there was all the hanging out by the pool with nic. no wonder i was skinny then.. blah. we swam and played in the pool almost all the time! HEEHEE. (: and... ooh, in school we had all these funny friendship things. in pri 2 we had like this club called the tesco club, cos i went to england and tesco is this supermarket and they had these special cards that you saved points on, so i brought back heaps and then we started a club, teehee, and we only ever had 3 members (including us, yes i know that's sad, but there were more coveted clubs in school like rong's pony club).. ooh and we went for this concert in p4 that made us want to join choir in p5. HAHA, and then we had all these stupid quarrels. CLAIRE CHONG was a culprit! hahahaha, she was like "stealing" nic away from me and we wrote such stupid hate notes to each other. HAHA, so ironic that claire and i are still quite good friends now. and hmm, in p3&4 there was yuhan, and we always were a threesome. hahaha, ahh those primary school days. (:
its pretty amazing that we're still in contact! and i have no idea how you found out about my blog but oh well, i'm glad you did cos that brings us one more step closer! (: i really thank God for blessing me with you! (:
take care when you go back to new zealand! (: i'll come visit you and your family one day! love heaps and heaps!
a shout of praise.
1:37 AM
Saturday, October 7, 2006: in a singsong mood
my God is far greater than words can make knownHe rides the wide heavens, He sits on His throneIn infinite splendor He rules over alland to His own children He whispers His loveHis power is great and will ever endureHis wisdom is peaceable gentle and pureBut greater than all of these glories i seeis the glorious promise that He cares for memy God is far greater - author unknown
i dont know why this song just started repeating itself over and over again in my head, but it did. and i had to blog. i think the lyrics is abit wrong though, cos i think there's 2 verses and i cant rmb whats in which verse so i think i kinda merged the 2. but yes. this song i sang as a kid at evangel. and i realise i never really paused to understand the lyrics, the song just had nice music. i guess i do that too much. its time to start to look beyond the wonderful music that accompanies the lyrics, and to really listen to the beautiful meaning behind the songs instead.
a shout of praise.
10:38 PM
so many peoples' birthdays are in OCT! >.< wonder WHY.
its like.. i-am-BROKE month. TEEEHEE
oh well.
its been one week since i've left perth! and 9 days more till i leave singapore. being here has weird impacts on me. seems like everyone is getting attached and i am, i realise sadly, not. i am glad i'm not really, and i am glad too that i am in perth where there is no pressure. (seems like they change boyfriends every weekend too.) well kristi, everything in His time. slowly does it.
and boy! the HAZE! its getting to me. it was really really bad last night. you almost couldnt see a thing, i hope it gets better when i come back at the end of the year. INDONESIA! stop burning your forests!
blessed be Your name
a shout of praise.
2:12 PM
mike oh mike oh where thou art?
you missed out on ANOTHER study group outing! ):
but then again, not like we did anything special. haha, just slack around. AS ALWAYS.
first, we arranged to meet at kaye's house in the morning, cos apparently everyone had stuff in the afternoon and then we only had the morning to hang out, so we stuck to early morning. we were gonna meet at 9 (we told clem 8.30 though, so that he would be on time) but then, only bim and i appeared. (no surprise really, the guys are really really always forever late. except mike, but YOU'RE IN MELB! :\ BLAH)
omg, we watched 流星花园! kaye's psycho.
then we went to lunch at BTP, and met the guys there, and hooboy! it was blardy HOT! and not to mention hazy. ):
the yong tau foo uncle remembered us! and guess what he said...
YES! you got it..
"eh 妹妹,你变胖了hor!" (basically he said that i was fatter than before)
aiyah. maybe its time that i should start slimming down. ):
mister yong tau foo
how do you do
no more physics for you
kaye lee! your wonderful poem! truthfully, i think that if you dont have to study physics anymore it should be HA HA HA, but it doesnt rhyme. but oh well. i dont take physics anyway, nothing to complain about. teehee.
anyway, went to orchard after with them, and bim and clem as usual, debating about everything under the sun..
getting serious at wheelock
even on the street i tell you! they think too much, seriously.
this one looks like she's tickling clem's chin. HAHAHAHHA.
hmmm. (:
was pretty fun day today. (:


they almost look like they're holding hands!!! AHHHH!(okay, such a cheap thrill)
hmm. some of us really look different from the start of the year!
clem's got contacts
bim's got a perm
i've got long hair and i'm fatter
kaye.. well flabbier, according to her
james, hmm. his hair grew back
dean, he's more muscular and tanned and his hair's different
and mike, well. he's still the same lah, maybe just whiter? your hair's still dead straight. still no funky hair yet. and.. hmm. you're taller? hahha.
i cant believe a year's (just slightly over) passed since the study group started! :\ time flies man.
i shall go wallow in old-hood.
before i go, some funny pictures from after cell


this is gay to the max.
a shout of praise.
12:58 AM
so thurs, clairs cheryl nic and i went out with our mums to cafe cartel at marina square.

aunty angie (clairs&cheryl's), my mom, aunty lisa, aunty tracy (nicole's)
i'm gonna be lazy and just post photos. haha.






the strangest things come out when you talk to the 4 mothers.. for example,
the weirdest comment we got: "so girls, do you all have boyfriend already or not? eh, i treat you to lunch, you just tell me can already"
so, since when did our mums become oh-ba-sans who are so kaypoh about our love lives! haaha, not that its anything wrong (2nd weirdest comment: "so kristi, i have a confession, i read your blog, you dont mind right?"), its just funny, as in HAHA funny. so aunty tracy, dont get me wrong.
serious conversation: about premarital sex and marriages. nic and clairs were so bored they went off gallavanting by themselves! hahah. i guess they just cant take serious huh?
oh well, thats just our mums for you. i wonder what they actually talk about when they have their mass gatherings in maplewoods. (currently only aunty lisa and my mom out of the 4 still stay in maplewoods, and in case you didnt know, maplewoods is the condo i stay in) some of it is still quite entertaining, like the pink blood debate and hot gossip.. but some are just plain boring (like property).. oh well. (:
a shout of praise.
12:38 AM
Thursday, October 5, 2006: some pink blood.
i never knew the meaning of pink blood meant homo.
oh well. you learn something new everyday. (:
so yes.
was out with the moms and clairs and cheryl and nic again today. :D was funnn! we had dinner at cafe cartel. (:
when nic posts the pics i'll put them up!
You don’t know how you met me
You don’t know why
You can’t turn around and say goodbye
All you know is when I’m with you
I make you free
And swim through your veins like a fish in the sea
I’m singin'
Follow me, everything is alright
I’ll be the one to tuck you in at night
And if you want to leave, I can guarantee
You won’t find nobody else like me
uncle kracker - follow me
so cute right, this really old song. (:
reminds me of God and how following Him means everything will be alright in the end.
wheeee. (:
i feel happy.
some remaining photos from ytd..
eating toy fruits

flower power~!
clairs tried on these weird crocs. but they look cute! (:
we were boredd and tiredd.
i got two boyfriends! boxer shorts. its quite cute. (:

okay i know i'm very vain
well so is nic. HAHA.
okay. thats like about it. (:
a shout of praise.
11:45 PM
hmm. shall post more photos tmr. nicole seems to have gone offline.
was thinking..
you know when God said that He loves each and every one of His creation, i.e. ALL of us, including the world, he meant 1st corinthians 13:4-8
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
it is so amazing, His love for each and every one of us. and yet we all cause Him so much hurt by sinning. take for example, in exodus, when the israelites decided to make the golden calf just because they havent seen moses come down from mount sinai. after all that God has provided them with, they still forget. which made me think, we as humans are so prone to sin, and so we fall short of the glory of God. and yet, the most wonderful thing is, God still loves us, despite of what we do to hurt Him. and seriously? sometimes i dont understand why He does that. because i know it'll take a while for me to really forgive someone. then i realise, that's why i believe in my God. because my God is a God of love and a God that forgives and a God that accepts anyone. Jesus befriended the weak, the poor, and the sick, that's evidence of His mercy.
so, yeah. just some randomity. hope it makes sense..
You are my strength when i am weak
You take my sin my cross my shame and when i fall down You pick me up
Jesus, You're my all in all
worthy is Your name
a shout of praise.
1:49 AM
Wednesday, October 4, 2006: how to waste a perfectly useful $2.80
went out with nicole, cheryl and claris (right to left, bottom) today (: was uber fun. hehehhhe. havent gone out with them in eons! so it was pretty cool hanging out with them again, espesh since nic's in NZ. i still remember the maplewoods days, where we met up at the pool, had mass gatherings at random places and playing in the park, searching for hidden pathways.. whoooohooo. those were the days alright. (:
so, anyways. back to the main story.
we just finished our pizza hut lunch at plaza sing, (which by the way, was awesome! never tried their cheese stuffed crust pizza. (: must try! ****** (5 star) ) and we were walking randomly around looking in the shops and all, and we came across this weird jap ice cream stall in the atrium. adn guess what?! they sold.. get this..
(i know, eww gross right? we should have just bought green tea)


green tea, black sesame, wasabi, red bean flavours
we dared nic to try it. (since she was the one with all the money anyway, at the rate she spent her money, WHOOO! her wallet's like some ATM or something) and here was OUR reactions. hahaaa.
i was the one who tested it first. lucky alright.
then the owner decided to try it, because we forced her to. (her=nicole)
claris loves a challenge. yes. nic complained to the shop owner, who probably wanted to cheat us just to get rid of the wasabi ice cream stock and get commission at the same time, and he gave us some SEAWEED topping (i know! how weird can this stall GET?!) and said to us, "its my favourite!" he had to be JOKING! like what the..? it still sucked anyway, and that was the end of the $2.80 wasabi ice cream. and i had yam ice cream instead. you know, the $1 one from the roadside uncle with the bread. mm-mmm! (:

mmm, how appetising.
we took some pretty crazy photos too.. HEHE. well, mainly cos nic and i can be considered "tourists" since we live pretty much overseas now, so we could afford to be embarrassing. HAHA.


yepp. we are mad. but in a good way (:
we're gg out again tmr with the MUMS! (our mums are good friends see, something to do with staying in maplewoods (our condo) )
went out with zhenyang for dinner at this jap restaurant (haha, whats with the jappy-ness today?) and.. hmm. we had a sashimi set as a side dish and LOL! it was DISGUSTING! like all except the egg sushi was raww. tried the octopus and it was slimy and chewy.. :\ yuckkkk. dont like. and all the others were like prawn (it was cold), eel (looked grey, eww!), salmon (its raw), yellow something (looked like bamboo shoots), tuna (it was the fish tuna, not the can type.) and someother thing that i cant remember.. pleah. so not my cup of tea (zhenyang! dw, i still eat some jap stuff haha). but ooh! i liked their green tea though! (: i love green tea. hehehe. shall go there again when i feel rich (: want to try their dessert. yes, not everything was that revolting. (: although i must say that zhenyang is rather brave to eat those weird things. i say, japs can have pretty strange taste in their food.
i had to go home to watch the 9 oclock show so zhenyang rushed us home. HEHE, he drove slow, so dont worry mum (my mum reads my blog) under 60km/h most of the time cos i'm afraid that the wheels will roll off if he drives too fast (or for the matter, any car that speeds). lalalala. i like cruising (:
i must say, was quite a fun day out, albeit sore legs and sleepy eyes (but then again, my legs are always sore and i always feel tired) so yes, it was a rather fun day. (: thank you God for bearable weather! (:
a shout of praise.
10:35 PM
Tuesday, October 3, 2006: its a kaye and kristi day

me and kaye watched John Tucker Must Die today! (: was so FUNNY!!!! i laughed so much.. felt really good though! havent watched a chik flick since forever! :D

he's so sweet in the show. (:
lovelovelove :D
and after the movie we had yummy food.
kaye had BAN MIAN
(all you people in perth! who cares about the wonderful weather when there's such good CHEAP food. :D)
and we went to watch shun perform with his band at ben and jerry's.
i say..
he's really good now!
and their lead singer has a nice voice.
and... then me and kaye bus-ed home. (: talked about some rather surprising stuff! she's shocked alright. and hmmm. we didnt want to go home, so we sat at the bus stop somemore. then we realised that we were going to miss the 9 oclock show, so we left.
love mediacorp's prime time drama serials :D
a shout of praise.
10:15 PM
DIANN WONG! (: xoxoxoxoxo
happy sweet 17!
i cant believe you're not going to be around next year.. we're all ending up IN PERTH! dee!!!! ): i'm going to miss you HEAPS alrightttt. ):
but for now.. (:
you're still in perth! i only have like..
A MONTH with you!
come to sg for second leavers!
hahahha, jokes jokes. (: only if you feel rich.
here's a huge flying hug to you.. *hugs tight!*
and a birthday cake for youuuu! (:
i ate a slice to test it for you. hhahahha.
its good. (: YUMMY.
a shout of praise.
1:27 PM
Monday, October 2, 2006: i'm the anti stress relief
okay. just before anyone thinks i'm such a loser and i dont have anyone to go out with, its because,
so there.
and i love the mooncake festival.
i'm eating tiramisu mooncake!
*jumps for joy...*
and speaking of food, i need to go out there and eat some. (:
a shout of praise.
10:35 PM
okay get this.
kaye and i went running today.
(oei, dont laugh, not funny)
yes, in the hazy heat..
and i survived!
but then again,
we walked pretty much of it...
i bet indonesia has forest fires again, what is it with the haze?
going out tmr! hip hurray~~
its dee's birthday tmr! (: (: (:
a shout of praise.
10:17 PM

i'm bored.
and i miss perth ):
i'm glad i'm home.
i miss perth.
a shout of praise.
3:51 PM